7th Semester - Fall 2004 Practicing

Practice Photos Set 2
Chase Karcher, Mike Wright, Andrew Dorn... posing together before their Little Red Fist testing.

Blurry shot... Andrew Dorn, Mike Wright, Chase Karcher

Andrew Dorn, Mike Wright, Chase Karcher (Wushu, is it in you?)

Andrew Dorn, the back kick in Little Red Fist

Chase Karcher and Andrew Dorn

Mike Wright

Mike Wright

Chase Karcher (left) and Andrew Dorn (right)

More of Little Red Fist testing

Mike Wright

Steven Sakata, Mike Carlucci, Alex Ng

Mike Serritella's kung fu class

Mike Serritella's students warming up for practice

Push ups

Mike Serritella's students stretching

Alex Ng and Steven Sakata trying splits, ouch.

Mike Wright

Mike Wright and Chase Karcher taking a breather.

We share our practice space with Mike Serritella's class. One big happy family right? :)

Mike Carlucci attempting the bridge up stretch, ouch!

Mike Carlucci, long fist pose.

Misc. photo.

Mike Wright preparing to perform Little Red Fist.

Mike Wright performing Little Red Fist.

Mike Wright

Us watching Steven Sakata about to crash on a butterfly? :)

Chase Karcher, performing Little Red Fist.

Chase Karcher

Chase Karcher

Chase Karcher

Steven Sakata running towards the camera?

Andrew Dorn, about to perform Little Red Fist.

Andrew Dorn, performing Little Red Fist.

Us gathered around to watch ourselves on video.

Analyzing our technique on video.

alexng.net/fsuwushu - fsuwushu@gmail.com